Naruto OC Wiki

Kinuzō Hausa

Kinuzo Hausa

(キヌ象ハウサ語, Kinuzō Hausa)



Volume #72Chapter #700


Boruto: Naruto the Movie


Boruto: Naruto the Movie

Appears in

Manga, Novel, Movie


Gender Female


Gaiden: 148 cm


18px-Konohagakure Symbol.svg Konohagakure


18px-Hausa Symbol.svgHausa Clan


Ninja Rank

Gaiden: Genin


Kanzō Hausa(Father)
Kinuko (Mother)

Nature Type

Kinuzō Hausa (キヌ象ハウサ語,Hausa Kinuzō ) is a kunoichi of Konohagakure's Hausa Clan. She is the daughter of Kanzō Hausa and Kinuko


Kinuzō is split down the middle with her personality. Like her father, she does not like taking breaks while training and hates fatty foods. And like her mother, she is always early to meetings and events. She also assumes things to often. She is bit of a hot head, but simmers down when she gets what she wants.  


Kinuzō has tan skin (redesign) and is taller than most her peers in the academy. She has semi long, blonde hair that is spiked at the end. She has lavender eyes, with her mother's eyelashes pointed up. Her appearance deems more like her mothers's Kinuko

Kinuzō wears a teal green long-sleeve tunic, fishnet shorts, and black sandals. Under her hair, she wears black earrings similar to her father.  


Like her mother, Kinuzō uses tessenjutsu which requires a use of fans. Now unlike her mother, Kinuzō carries around two small to medium twin fans she calls, "Beauty and Grace". She was seen with immense strength, like her father, as she punched through a small boulder.


Tessenjutsu and Nature Transformation[]

Kinuzō has gain the nature transformation of Wind and has utilized it in sparring. Both of her fans carry heavy attacks that blows away her opponent.


Kinuzō is standing with her best friend, Meiko Maika, in the village. She is approached by a golden-blonde haired boy, who she thought was cute. He was trying to say something but he was stumbling over his words. Kinuzō's friend pulled her away from him. After the altercation, Kinuzō went to train, but she had to wait for her late partner, Takumi.

Later she meets up with her mother, to train with her tessenjutsu.

 Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Month[]

Main article: Naruto Gaiden: The Seventh Hokage and the Scarlet Spring Month

Kinuzō will make an appearance in this spin-off.

Boruto: Naruto the Movie[]

Main article: Boruto: Naruto the Movie

Kinuzō will make an appearance in this fil


  • Her name "Kinu" means silk and "Zō" means "elephant". She thinks that her hair is smooth as silk, and she is tough as an elephant.
  • Kinuzō's favorite foods are chocolate. Her father says it is not a fatty food if eaten with fruit.
  • She is the creator's favorite new generation child out of the rest.


Kinuzō Hausa is an OC/RPC for the Narutoverse created by Eveclark  on deviantART.
